Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Contemplation squared

I apologise for not having written for a few weeks. I was waiting for some lightning bolt of inspiration to strike me or something, I suppose. It hasn't.
But as I was lying on my bedroom floor not five minutes ago (as I often do to contemplate the day and my actions), I realised it's because in all honesty I'm really not that inspirational.
I know a lot of people who read this will probably jump to argue that statement, and I know my family will- but to be perfectly honest what have I done, besides cancer, to make me in any way inspirational?
1 in 3 of us, in our lives, will get cancer. If you count how many people that is in the world, then that is a lot of people who are inspirational, not to mention the fact that probably another 1 of those 3 probably have a different kind of disability that makes them equally inspirational.
If you really think hard, its a small minority of people that DON'T have something horrible/monumental happen to them throughout their lifetime. So really that makes everyone inspirational. And if everyone's inspirational, then is it really that special anymore?

I don't know, I'm not saying that those who have such things happen to them aren't inspirational because I have met some truly inspirational people- including Stephen Sutton (who I am praying will get better because he is THE most fantastic addition to this planet) so inspirational people do exist but I don't think its a case of necessarily everyone who has had something bad happen is automatically inspirational for getting through it.
I mean, personally I see nothing inspirational about me. If you look at it, I'm just an almost seventeen year old girl, who spends too much time inside, is probably a little too selfish and attention-loving for her own good, drinks a little too much red wine for her age and finds that she can only really concentrate to 70's punk rock.

Really, I'm just a normal teenager (albeit with a slightly less than normal sense of style). So my point is, next time I won't wait until I feel that inspirational lightning strike that is sure to never come but I wait months for, anyway. I'll just write.

So, to all you perfectly average people, thank you for being average. And to you inspirationals- thank you.

Contemplating lying back on the floor for further contemplation,

B x

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