Tuesday, 4 June 2013

The Prom Before-Party

Well, firstly I would like to say that I am writing this while wearing a unicorn themed onesie. I kid you not, Topshop actually does onesies that look like unicorns (even has the horn on the hood). Which, for me, is fabby... Although it looks more like a babygrow, really. Complete with the poppers down the front and everything. Enough of my unusual bedtime fashion choices.
So these past couple of weeks have been eventful. I had all my tests, and everything has pretty much come back fine in time for my high dose chemotherapy next week, which I suppose is excellent. With all the packing and everything, I'm trying to convince myself I'm going on holiday rather than on horrific cancer-ridding treatment.
Anyway, after the tests came my BIRTHDAY!! On which I turned sweet sixteen (I can now buy a cow) and had a wonderful day with the family, and got various nerdy doctor who themed gifts as well as gorgeous jewellery and books. One of which, "The Fault in our Stars" by John Green, I am convinced has changed my life. Surprisingly, that's not me being over dramatic- I really do believe that it's changed my opinion on many things for the better. So definitely all hats off to you, John Green, for being such a wizard of words.
Unfortunately on my "birthweek" I had some sort of sinus-y infection thing which made me rather unattractive and sniffly so I do apologise to anyone who had to deal with me, especially the good people at Call the Midwife, who had to put up with my sniffling for a whole day at the readthrough on the Wednesday. If you want the full details on that, you'll have to go to the Call the Midwife facebook page, as I wrote a blog piece for it. It was an amazing day, and Heidi and Steve even introduced my Mum and I to this wonderful spiritual shop with all sorts of healing crystals and the like. They called it 'the spooky shop', I believe... and it was rather spooky. But a wonderful kind of spooky, if you know what I mean. The kind that makes you want to touch everything in it to soak up the magic and the spookiness. I bought several crystals and a set of tarot cards with a book on how to learn them. I'm not doing so well with the tarot cards so far, as I'm easily frustrated, but I will carry on and be wonderful at them by the end! I'm determined to learn!!
So all in all that was a really wonderful day, even though I felt like some kind of sniffly green phlegm monster... Definitely not my most attractive week.
On the 30th, it was my birthday party of sorts. I'd decided what a good thing to do would be to go to Banham Zoo with all my friends. And it seemed like a worse and worse idea as I got nearer to the day, but when we got there it couldn't have been a better one. It's quite funny, really, just how excited 15/16 year olds get at the prospect of seeing all these "exotic" animals and being generally close to them. You'd have thought we'd have gotten past this kind of childish giddiness, but apparently not. It's just as well we haven't, as we wouldn't have had nearly as fun a time as we did if we had. If that sentence made any sense whatsoever. We even went on the little train, and into the lemur enclosure! And oh, the goat adventure!
Basically, there are two gates into the goat petting enclosure. And the inner gate has to always be closed for the outer gate to open so that the goats never escape. Anyway, so we arrived there and all piled into the space between the outer gate and the inner gate... Though, as soon as we opened the inner gate, these three miniature goats flooded in and wouldn't leave. So, essentially we were trapped in a very small space with three (might I say, very temperamental) goats. This is 12 teenagers and three goats. A kind of strange herding process began to happen then, but to no avail, and soon enough the goats even started to have mini goat fights with each other. Eventually, a girl of roughly about seven years old came along and was able to coax the goats out, but not before people had seen how 12 teenagers had reacted when stuck in an enclosed space with such seemingly angry goats. And let me tell you, we did not react well. This all happened within the first ten minutes of being at the zoo. Lets just say, we avoided the petting zoo after that.
After seeing 'Steve', which is what Evie had named the red panda, we headed to a kiosk- where I got a medal because I had a massive birthday badge on, courtesy of Becky.
Ben, Laura, Evie, Becky, Phoebe and I ran away from Tom, Matt, Joe, Jordan, other Matt and other Ben at one point to take selfies with the giraffes. Giraffes are my favourite apart from the penguins, I think. Although I do have a massive soft spot for the lemurs too.
When we arrived home, I was all ready to get the cake out and start eating and drinking and the like, but apparently that was not to be. As I was still messing with some of the (ultra nerdy but absolutely wonderful and the best kind of stuff) presents that I'd been given, I was whisked off upstairs by all the girls, with them claiming they were going to "make me over". At first, this wasn't at all suspicious, and I went along with it... Even when they dressed me up in one of my best dresses I went along with it. When they got dressed and made up too, I was slightly weirded out. Although watching Evie and Becky struggle to connect glow sticks was probably the most amusing thing I've had the pleasure to watch in a while. When everyone put on heels and headed back downstairs (bear in mind I hadn't been allowed to leave the top floor for all this time), I was slightly suspicious. Even more suspicious when Mum and Dad insisted on taking quite a few photos, and even more suspicious when I heard music coming from the tightly closed sitting room door. Turns out, I had a right to be suspicious! I was pushed through the door into a dark room filled with a disco ball and lasers and also full of the boys (all seven of them) all decked out in suits! My wonderful and thoughtful and GENERALLY SUPER AND AMAZING friends had decided that since it was my birthday and also since I am unfortunately not going to be able to make it to my prom (due to the fact that I'm going to be in intensive treatment)- to throw me a prom-birthday party! I like to call it the Prom Before-Party, rather than a Prom After-Party. And I even got voted the Prom Queen and had to slow dance with my Prom King (which was totally delightfully cringey). It was just the most wonderful evening and I will never forget it. My friends are most definitely the most supportive, amazing friends in the world and I love them all so much. So a massive thank you to all of them (especially you, Matt H, for organising it mostly and conspiring with my folks).
Then I pretty much turned into a recluse for a few days, not really wanting to do much and wanting to just recover. Finally today I went out to lunch with my Dad, and we went and ate noodles. It was really quite yummy, and I joked about us being ladies who lunched. Afterwards we went shopping, and then to Bury for yet more shopping with Matt... I don't think I should use my card for quite a while now, oops! Although I did buy this most wonderful unicorn onesie, and some much needed stuff for high dose. Then finally, to top off another wonderful day, my whole family and I, plus Matt, went to see Star Trek: Into Darkness. WHICH I LOVED. Mainly because I'm slightly in love with Benedict Cumberbatch and he was in it, so I spent most of it drooling at the screen (metaphorically... if it was literally, that would be quite embarrassing for such a social situation, even if it is in darkness). I have decided that as soon as the sun comes out, it means good karma for me. As most sunny days seem to brilliant ones. SO BRING ON THE SUN!
Anyway, I hope you all are well, and seeing as it is nearly four in the morning, I better skedaddle to bed.
I love you all, and wish every one of you the best. If I don't write too soon, it is probably because I'm too ill. Or asleep. I never know the difference between the two any more.
If I may, I would like to leave you with a quote from "The Fault in our Stars" by John Green.
"My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations", which I think sums up how I feel perfectly.
Sending love to you all from the Chesterfield Bat Cave (which is now what I call my room).
Befuddled, and worried that karma is giving her whip lash with its mood swings, Baldy <3

1 comment:

  1. Nice article, thanks! I learn something new on blogs everyday and yours is stimulating and provides new ideas. Thanks and keep up the good work!
