Tuesday, 5 March 2013

The Easter Bunnys Worst Nightmare

Well, hello there, wonderful people! How are you all? I am halfway through my second course of chemo at the moment, and it sucks. Majorly. The side effects are irritating, and not pleasant. Sore mouth, sensitive skin, tummy ache, nausea, trouble sleeping... Tis a wonderful journey.
Last time I refused to wear scarfs, as I thought they too obviously screamed 'CANCER', but this time I think its fairly obvious anyway, so I bought (when I say 'I', I mean Mum) a really pretty one from Accessorize... It has butterflies on it. In fact, I was wearing it the other day in Waitrose (whilst stocking up on ice tea and antibacterial hand gel) when it happened again. About a year ago, I posted a blog about some girl staring at me in Tesco (it always seems to happen in supermarkets...) and it happened again, in Waitrose, but worse!
So I was casually wheeling around the trolley, and this couple passed me- and because I was wearing the scarf and I was pretty pale, it was obvious I had Le Cancer. Anyway, this dude (in the aforementioned couple) just blatantly stared. This was fine, I just smiled and carried on. But, you know when somethings reeeaaally interesting or shocking, and you pretend to casually walk past it again just so you can stare again (come on, we've aaall done it)? Well, he did that. The awkward thing was that he did it twice. And I caught him staring both times. It was quite an awkward moment for both of us... Especially the third time, when I was holding a big easter egg adorned with butterflies that looked quite similar to my butterfly scarfed egg shaped head. I should probably just avoid supermarkets (while bald, I mean. I'm not turning into a recluse or anything.) from now on...
OOH! Speaking of! EASTER, yay! I mean, Easter on chemo kind of sucks, because chocolate pretty much tastes awful to me (I KNOW, IT'S TRAGIC) but it's still fun to see the world full of chocolate and see who gets sick of creme eggs first (nearly always me). Ooh, and easter egg hunts are fun! Although, Lucy and I were having a discussion about this, and about whether I'd be slightly sensitive to all the hype as my head is rather egg-like. We decided that if I were to get too bitter, I could always paint my head like an easter egg and hide in the bushes with just the top of it showing... And then as soon as an Easter egg Hunter found me- I could jump out and scream at them. Hence ruining Easter. I could be the opposite of the Easter Bunny... What eats bunnies? I could be the Easter Ferret! Thats a horrifying prospect...A bald painted girl jumping out at unsuspecting easter egg hunters claiming to be the Easter Bunnys worst nightmare... Hmm, although that does sound fun, it also sounds rather psychotic and mean, and I would never be able to paint my own head like an easter egg convincingly. Its a completely unrealistic plan. Anyhoo! I have to go now, I made homemade lemonade earlier (domestic goddess that I am...not) and it is properly chilled so I'm going to enjoy it. Or make others enjoy it for me. Either works for me! Much love to all you's!
Le Befuddled Baldy <3

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