Saturday, 3 December 2011

Be still, my tingling feet! ;)

Well, my feet are going MENTAL... They're so tingly and weird! But, on the upside- CHRISTMAS IS NEARLY HERE!! Whoop whoop! Everyone is buying Christmas presents now, and Christmas songs are playing on the radio...Christmas movies are even starting to come on TV!! And I dont mean on the Christmas Movie channels either. And I know this Christmas is going to be different...and maybe slightly harder than most. But its going to be special, because I'm going to be with people I love, at a time I love.
Someone was talking to me, and they mentioned how cancer ruins lives. And yeah, sure- it does. And Im not saying that I want cancer. Who does? But I've been given a second chance at Life, and I'd be stupid not to take it and make something of it. Sure, it's hard right now and not particularly pleasant. And yeah, the next six months aren't going to be fun- but I'm lucky. Really, I mean- compared to all the others.
Cancer hasn't ruined my life, it's given me a new one. And yeah, I have to put my whole life on hold for the next few months- but given that its that or dying, I'd say it's a pretty fair deal. :)

Okay, enough with the heavy moral stuff, eh? ;) Im back on Septrin- as it's the weekend. EW. I really hate that stuff. For those of you who havent had the pleasure of me moaning about it before and have no idea what it is- it is an antibiotic medicine to keep my immune up that I have to take twice a day on weekends. Its white, gloopy and tastes like liquorice...but not even in a nice way. Plus, you cant get rid of the taste because it sticks to your throat!! Who came up with that?!
And of course I'm on the yucky lurid pink steroids three times a day, and the anti-sickness that smells like chemically-altered strawberries but definitely does NOT taste like strawberries! And then theres the gritty anti-reflux meds...I only have to take that once a day, though. Thank Goodness!!
And the AWESOME news is that Im not on ANY of these on Christmas, or even on Christmas Eve! YAY!!
But I DO have to have an echocardiogram and a PET scan on the 22nd...which is sorta sucky. An echocardiogram is basically like an ultrasound [you know, the thing for pregnant ladies] for my heart. They even use the gross cold gel...ew!! It got on my clothes last time and I was like EW, EW, EW!! And a PET scan is like a CT scan, except they use some other weird liquid...its a bit annoying though- because it means getting a cannula in my hand or elbow or somewhere...I really do hate needles. But its only one, I guess. And then after that nightmare is over, its only 3 days till Christmas! YAY!!
Im sooo excited about waking up on Christmas morning and jumping on Mum and Dads bed with our stockings!! PSYCHED!!
Wow, I need to calm down...its not for another 22 days yet...but still. Whoop!
Anyhoo, I need to go now- so Much Love to everyone who hasn't gotten bored of this site yet!!
Befuddled and totally psyched for Christmas Baldy <3 xoxoxoxox

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